Archive for December, 2012

Blog plans for the new year

by on Dec.29, 2012, under Site News

I’ve decided I’m going to try to blog more, tell everyone about stuff, sometimes there’s just more to say than you can fit in a facebook wall post, or a tweet.

Firstly I think its time for a new theme. Second pictures, everyone likes to see pictures, I always have my phone and its camera is pretty good, so maybe if I take more photos I’ll have more to write about. Stuff to write about? I guess to have something to write about I need to do stuff, I have a holiday coming up so that’s a starting point.

Probably a little late trying to start this up again, its like everyone does vlogs on YouTube instead of writing words on a website, but I’m going to give this a shot as I definitely wont be making any videos, unless its something I film while out to show as part of this.

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