Spicy BBQ Chicken Omelette
by Stephen on Apr.03, 2013, under Food
[pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-iPzgtpVEvtw/UVySb8l4E5I/AAAAAAAAC6E/VxGMJcMpOfw/s144-o/IMAG0275.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/101664343009482274633/Food?authkey=Gv1sRgCMOX9oPXsIuHDw#5862721823748658066″ caption=”Spicy BBQ chicken Omelette” type=”image” alt=”IMAG0275.jpg” ]
After my flapjack crumbpocalypse, here’s proof I can cook 🙂 (and maybe proof I can’t take a good photo) my hand may have slightly slipped with the chilly flakes I added though, it had a little more of a bite than I was planning.