Another Bacon and Egg "Sandwich"

by on Nov.24, 2005, under Food

Another night of having to cook for myself from near empty fridges and cupboards.


  • 2 Slices Smoky Bacon
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 Flour Tortillas

All left over from other meals

What I did
Cut the fatty end off the bacon, that’s the bit with less meat if you don’t think its fatty or the bit that’s not the round bit .
Chop the fatty end into thin slices about a cm wide maybe.
Throw the whole lot into a frying pan and fry till the fat crisps slightly.
Crack and fry the egg, both sides.
Warm the tortillas.
When the egg and bacon are cooked, half the egg and split the bacon evenly between the totillas, add ketchup, wrap, eat, enjoy

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