Enabling Gravatars on pMachine Pro

by on Feb.27, 2006, under Tech Tips

This is a simple hack that will get gravatars displayed on you pMachine pro comments, it will also cache them locally incase gravatar.com goes down.

open your pMachine/pm/lib/comments.fns.php
find the function weblog_comments()

insert this line


at about line 612

it should look something like

$if_email				= '';
$if_email_as_link		= '';
$if_email_or_url_as_link	= '';
$if_email_as_name		= $name;
$if_email_or_url_as_name	= $name;
$if_url_or_email_as_name	= $name;
$if_url_as_name		= $name;


further down in the function find the bit that defines the tags to go in the comment template around line 780 and add

'%%gravatar%%'				=> $gravatarlink

so it will look like

'0'					=> date("Z",$t_stamp),
''			=> $avatar,
'Member'		=> $moderation_level,
'%%gravatar%%'			=> $gravatarlink

once thats done you can now include the %%gravatar%% tag into your comment display template to display the commentors gravatar

Add these functions to the bottom of the file

function wp_gravatar_info($md5 = '') {
//taken from gravatar plugin for wordpress
if ('' == $md5) { return false; }
$r = array();
$foo = @file("http://www.gravatar.com/info/md5/$md5");
if (! $foo) return false;
array_shift($foo); // strip leading  declaration
array_shift($foo); // strip opening
array_pop($foo);   // strip closing
foreach ($foo as $bar) {
$matched = array();
preg_match_all("/([^])+/", $bar, $matched);
$r[$matched[0][1]] = $matched[0][2];
return $r;

function Download_Gravatar($id, $local, $remote)
// we don't know about this gravatar yet, let's look for it
$response = wp_gravatar_info($id);
if ('200' == $response


// it's not an error, so let's make a local copy

if ( (is_writeable($local)) && (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) )


$cached = copy ($remote.$id, $local.$id.".TMP");

if (! $cached)


// looks like the copy failed, delete the TMP


return 0;

} else


// we copied successfully

rename($local.$id.".TMP", $local.$id);

return 1;



} else {

return 0;



function Gravitar_Cached($id, $local, $remote)




//if the file exists on the server


//check its date



//echo "boo".filectime($remote.$id);


//if the time difference is more then the cache time then get a newer copy


//download it

Download_Gravatar($id, $local, $remote);


return 1;



//download it its new

return Download_Gravatar($id, $local, $remote);



function GetGravatar($email)

//function to return the gravitar requiered




$gravatar_local=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/pMachine/gravatarcache/";

$gravatar_local_url=$_SERVER['SERVER_ROOT'] . "/pMachine/gravatarcache/";

$gravatar_none=$_SERVER['SERVER_ROOT'] . "/pMachine/gravatarcache/none.gif";

if(Gravitar_Cached($gravatar_id, $gravatar_local, $gravatar_url))



$gravatar = "Gravatar";




$gravatar = "<a xhref='http://www.gravatar.com' target='_blank' title='Get your own gravatar from www.gravatar.com'><img  class='gravatar' alt='Get your own gravatar from www.gravatar.com' width=80 height=80 xsrc='$gravatar_path'>";


return $gravatar;


you will need to create a /pMachine/gravatarcache directory on your server and add a none.gif to represents an unknown gravatar in the even one isn’t returned by the server (I suspect theres a flaw here but I havnt been able to test it)

You might want to modify the image using css and modify the template code to get things to show how you want

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