Hell Island – Matthew Reilly

by on Jun.07, 2006, under Books

Hell IslandI should have paid more attention when I bought this book as it was a lot smaller than I expected, its a quick read book, I didn’t realise this means that its only 115 pages long in rather large text. Don’t let this stop you buying the book, if you’ve read any of Matthew Reilly’s books its exactly what you expect.

The first chapter is the kind of intro you’d expect in CSI, someone dies but you don’t know what killed him, the next chapter introduces the characters with a short bit of history, then its pretty much straight into the action and once it starts it pretty much doesn’t stop till the last page. Scarecrow and Mother cool as always with some new Marines, fighting against a fearless enemy that just happen to outnumber them about 70 to 1.

The book follows Reilly’s usual style, overwhelming odds and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Its a gripping read, just a shame its so short, but it ends how you’d expect, and leaves you wanting to read his next book.

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