Apocalipse's Children

by on Jun.10, 2007, under Books

21go3xwj7yl_aa_sl160_.jpgThis is the start of yet another series by Terry Brook.

Having hinted at an earlier advanced civilisation in some of his Shannara books this series is set some time after the events in his The Word and Void series, but before the Shannara series linking the two together.

The story follows a couple of nights of the word and a group of street kids, they nights are still struggling with their fights against demons and the kids are just trying to live in a world where the demons have wiped out most of humanity, and those few that survive are either in hiding, in small sanctuaries or slaves to the demons. Its not a very nice world and it looks like the demons are winning.

I did enjoy this book and it the series promises to explain how our world became the world used in the shannara serieses.

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