Unfit catching up

by on Sep.07, 2007, under News

Been a while since I’ve posted anything so here’s a catch up

The other weekend I went to Butlins Skegness with my World of Warcraft Guild.

Well me and Sharon got there pretty much at the appointed time and then found out everyone else’s train was late so we had a bit of time to kill on the arcades and wondering around the grounds.

Everyone else arrived, we checked in, moved into our apartments and then went looking for food, all you can eat pizza 🙂 and its cheaper than a full pizza

After that it was swimming mini golf, amusements, drinking, a few meals n a theme park, thats pretty much the weekend summed up in 1 line 🙂 We somehow managed to not go to the beach even tough it was just round the corner but nevermind.

Oh and we had a few games on the Quasar laser shooting game they have there, which was fun, but after the first 15 minute game which was fun n we did pretty well, James decided we’ll have an hour playing the next day. It was all fun and we won 3 of the 4 games 🙂 me getting rather a high score on the last ( I think my gun must have miscounted)

All that activity was rather tiring obviously I’m not very fit

so now I’m home the skates are out n I’m going skating with Helen to get us both in shape, half an hour out on them n we were both tired out, maybe after a few weeks we’ll be fit 🙂 n if we start swimming too (if we can find time) then we’ll probably be in pretty good shape, n all without joining a gym 🙂

Well that’s about it, I have a hand full of books n the Doom 3 expansion just arrived 🙂 and I’m trying to find an excuse to get Bioshock (maybe I upgraded my computer just for that game), so plenty to keep me busy 🙂

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