Google: Good job they’re not evil…
by Stephen on Jul.17, 2011, under News
Yeah OK that’s debatable, but at least they’re honest, they only want our information to make money…
Unless they have plans for world domination then we’re probably all screwed.
Anyway I do have a point here, kinda. I was just thinking how much information they have access to, either because I’ve given them it or if they decide to be naughty (network scanning and buzz privacy issues aside).
As I use Chrome as my browser and search using google, there’s pretty much all my internet activity available to them (chrome shouldn’t transmit this but if it did then they’d have it and I’m sure its something you can turn on), also with an igoogle home page they have more hist to my interests, through my internet use. On top of that I use gmail as my primary client even if I don’t use my google address, so they have access to all my emails and contacts.
As I’ve just recently got an android phone, oh look they now have access to all my communication apart from in person, by snail mail, or landline. And thanks to latitude they know where I am too.
And with Google+ starting off, possibly replacing facebook who knows this early, they have all the other people not in my other address books and access to all the photos they post of me.
Oh and before I forget all my photo’s get uploaded to picasa too, so chances are they’ll be geotagged and commented.
Erm yeah, so basically they have access to just about everything and anything you could possibly want to know about me, maybe its not such a good thing to all be in the hands of one company but its’s probably all available to other companies too, via my ISP (they could just read almost everything to or from your router) or phone company or all the other companies that nave it all too.
Good job I’m not paranoid then