by Stephen on Apr.13, 2013, under Asides, Site News
Thanks to a handy WordPress attack (some info here), I’ve hardened my website’s security, it should be harder to spam or exploit, and while I’ve been busy I’ve finally added something to deal with this silly cookie law thing (that little bar at the bottom that you hardly noticed). Pretty much all I’ve done, thinking about theme changes but just can’t find a starting point I like.
by Stephen on May.26, 2012, under Asides
I may have slightly ignored this new eu cookie law thing, sounds like it effects every site, not like I’m that popular to be noticed I’m behind
I’m certain I used to have my own links…
by Stephen on Feb.25, 2012, under Asides
…but only have the default WordPress ones now, maybe something I lost in an upgrade or rebuild. Shame I can’t remember what I was linking to
Making a few changes
by Stephen on Feb.18, 2012, under Asides
Its time for a change, I’ve decided to move the blog from he home page to its own page/pages, and start adding some more content, more things I want than things for visitors really.
by Stephen on Oct.21, 2010, under Asides
Is it wrong that I wan’t to allow through some my my spam comments? They all want to say things like good post and excellent blog, if I just stripped out the links that’d be ok right?