Archive for 2004

Daylight Savings Time

by on May.27, 2004, under Rant

One By Sharon this…

Why do we have daylight savings time/British Summer time? OK, OK so it means we get the sunshine an hour later on ‘cos we don’t really need broad daylight at 4am do we? but what I want to know is what they do with it….
So the Government take an hour off us in the middle of the night and give it back 6 months later but what do they do with it in the mean time? Are they like the banks, who use our money for their own personal gain whilst supposedly keeping it safe for us?

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by on May.23, 2004, under Rant

Basically, why do they bother?
Your watching TV or litenting to the radio before whatever time they’ve decided you can hear or see “explicit” material. and during your enjoyment the sound goes off or is annoyingly beeped, or a blured patch comes up on screen.

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Viruses and Hacking

by on May.10, 2004, under Rant

Ok I guess I should start by saying this is not a guide or tutorial, I will not be showing you how to write a virus or hack a bank, if I was a hacker I’d be busy hacking into a bank and making myself rich rather than writing this. Unfortuanly I seem to have been brough up to know the difference between right and wrong and wont be trying that anytime soon.
There is only one good thing about the spread of viruses and haccking and thats it keeps the computer security firms in business.

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Driving complaints

by on May.04, 2004, under Rant

Ok, your driving along on a quite road, some good music on the sterio, minding you own business, just enjoying the drive when suddenly all of the most annoying things about driving seem to happen at once!
Heres just a few and what I think of them

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